Monthly Archives: July 2010

  • Ancient Greek taught in Oxford schools

    The Olympic Games may be just about sporting prowess for most of us but for Oxford school children it will be so much more come September. reports that The Iris Project, a charity orga...

    READ MORE | 30 Jul 2010

  • New Languages Diploma?

    Does every cloud really have a silver lining? Well it would seem so as Language Networks for Excellence reports that  language experts and the City and Guilds exam board are taking another look a...

    READ MORE | 29 Jul 2010

  • The Welsh Experience

    It's encouraging to see that Welsh are taking language learning seriously and if we take a leaf out of their book we could all be bringing up bi-lingual and multi-lingual children. The on-line paper t...

    READ MORE | 28 Jul 2010

  • Facebook Like Buttons

    In response to requests from fans of our Facebook page, we added Like buttons to the products and categories on our Languages Direct Web site. Like buttons are a handy way to create a wish list or aid...

    READ MORE | 24 Jul 2010

  • Smiley's Secret: He Wants Us to Love Germany

    Wonderful article by John le Carré in the Sunday Times about how Germany and German are an abiding influence on his life and writing. He mentions that while at school his teacher told him that...

    READ MORE | 13 Jul 2010

  • Why a second language is crucial in business

    Good to see an article in Exec Digital about the business need for languages that pulls no punches. The article points out that the old adage, 'You can buy in your own language but you must sell in th...

    READ MORE | 9 Jul 2010

  • The Thrills and Spills of the Tour de France

    The Tour de France, the greatest cycling race of them all, gets properly underway today with live coverage from Sky and ITV in the UK and Versus in the U.S. For sports buffs and French language learne...

    READ MORE | 3 Jul 2010

  • Are Language Skills the Key to England's Future Success at the World Cup?

    In yesterday's article from the BBC, England's fear of crossing borders, former England international, Chris Waddle asserts that if more English football players played abroad they would be more likel...

    READ MORE | 1 Jul 2010