Elegies with parallel Latin text - Tibullus

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Elegies with parallel Latin text - Tibullus

Translated by A. M. Juster and introduction and notes by Robert Maltby

  • Tibullus is one of the three great Roman elegists, alongside Ovid and Propertius. His poems addressed to Delia, Nemesis, and the boy Marathus are here given in a faithful and stylish new translation.
  • Includes the facing Latin text. 
  • The Introduction considers Tibullus' poems in the context of classical elegy and in particular the elegies of his contemporaries Ovid and Propertius, the three addressees of the poems, and the influence of his patron Messalla in the reign of Augustus. 
  • Comprehensive notes explain topical, literary, and mythological allusions and identify major themes. 

'Delia, when flames engulf my bier you'll weep for me, and then you'll mix your kisses with sad tears.'

Tibullus (?55-18 BC) was one of a group of poets known as the Latin elegists, whose number included Ovid and Propertius. Living in the age of Augustus, his poems reflect Augustan ideals, but they are above all notable for their emphasis on the personal, and for their subject-matter, love. Tibullus' elegies are addressed to two different mistresses, Delia and Nemesis, and a boy, Marathus. His pious and idealistic love for Delia is replaced by a more tortured affair with the cruel Nemesis, and the poet's elegies to Marathus give a broader perspective to his treatment of the subject. Anguish and betrayal characterize Tibullus' depiction of love's changing fortunes, in poetry that is passionate, vivid, and sometimes haunting.

In this parallel text edition, A. M. Juster's eloquent translations are accompanied by an introduction and notes from Robert Maltby which discuss Tibullus' work in its literary and historical context. Together they demonstrate the achievements of this fine Roman poet.

Elegies With parallel Latin text - Tibullus - About the Translators

Translated by A. M. Juster and introduction and notes by Robert Maltby, Emeritus professor of Latin philology, University of Leeds

A. M. Juster is a poet and translator. His books include Longing for Laura (Birch Brook Press, 2001), The Secret Language of Women (University of Evansville Press, 2003), and Horace's Satires (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008). He has won the Richard Wilbur Award, and the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award three times.

Robert Maltby taught at Sheffield before moving to the University of Leeds, where he held the Chair of Latin Philology until his retirement in 2010. His books include Latin Love Elegy (Bristol Classical Press, 1980), and Tibullus, Elegies: Text, Introduction and Commentary (Francis Cairns, 2002). His Introduction to Latin (Wiley/Blackwell USA) came out in 2011.

  • Language


  • Level


  • Book Binding


  • Book Format

    Parallel Text

  • Book Genre


  • Book ISBN


  • Book Page Count


  • Book Publication Date

    12 January 2012

  • Book Publisher

    Oxford World's Classics

  • Product Supplier


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