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Coursebook + Workbook + Audio CD
Paperback, 240 pages. Level A1 (CEFR).
This engaging Italian course for adults adopts a flexible communicative approach, providing students with a solid grounding in both the language and culture of Italy. Packed full of vibrant images, varied exercises, and with a strong focus on practical everyday usage, the structure of Bellissimo! facilitates smooth and clear progression in all four linguistic skills, while the content supports both grammatical and intercultural reflection.
The course is divided in three volumes, from beginners level A1 through to intermediate level B1, and can prepare students for the CELI, CILS and PLIDA examinations. The integrated workbook offers substantial opportunity for practice and consolidation of each unit, with extra pages dedicated to Italian culture and examinations.
The twelve 10-page units in each volume are organised into four sections: 'Primi passi' provides a visual introduction to each topic; 'Guarda e ascolta, Leggi, Scrivi' focuses on the four key skills; 'Per riflettere' provides grammar summaries and activities; followed by the short self-assessment section 'Cosa so fare in italiano?'
Online resources for both pupil and teacher complement the course, while the student's books are also available in digital multimedia format, ideal for the Interactive Whiteboard.
Bellissimo! è il nuovo corso di lingua e cultura italiana in tre volumi per giovani adulti, che abbina le migliori metodologie consolidate ad un approccio comunicativo teso a coinvolgere lo studente nello sviluppo delle sue competenze. Forte di una solida progressione linguistica strettamente legata a situazioni e attività basate sulla vita quotidiana, Bellissimo! pone l’accento su un utilizzo acquisizionale e pragmatico della grammatica, delle funzioni e del lessico presentati nelle unità. Il costante confronto con le diverse culture attiva e facilita un processo di apprendimento sensoriale, di riflessione linguistica e di confronto interculturale.
Libro dello studente con Eserciziario
CD Audio
Book Dimensions
29.4 x 21 x 1.4 cm
Book Page Count
Book Publication Date
March 2014
Book Publisher
ELI Publishing
Language Course Isbn