A Second Spanish Reader: A Dual-Language Book

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Geared toward advanced beginners, includes selections from poetry, plays and stories, with works by Gabriela Mistral, Lope de Vega, Simón Bolívar, Francisco de Quevedo, and other Spanish-language writers.

Product Description

A Second Spanish Reader: A Dual-Language Book

Geared toward advanced beginners, this dual-language volume offers the convenient, accessible format of English translations on pages facing the matching Spanish text. It introduces such authors as Lope de Vega, Cervantes, Alarcón, Unamuno, and Darío, and such works as El buscón, Cartas marruecas, El estudiante de Salamanca, and Santa. Contents include plays, lyric and narrative verse, and prose of many kinds — fiction, philosophy, autobiography, and more — for a generous sampling of the Spanish language's extraordinarily diverse and rich literary history.

The selections begin at around 1550, at the outset of the 100 years known as the Golden Age. Excerpts from the era's major genres and authors include the works of three prominent playwrights, plus pastoral and picaresque novels, religious meditations, and a report from the New World. Three outstanding exponents of the Enlightenment appear here, in addition to contributions from the major Romantic playwrights and poets, several Realist and Naturalist novelists, and the pillars of the Generation of 1898. One-third of the selections are the works of Spanish-American writers. Accurate and up to date, this new translation by Stanley Appelbaum features a detailed Introduction with background on all of the writers and their works.

Table of Contents:

Las Casas (1474?–1566)

Brevísima relación / Very Brief Report

Montemayor (1519?–1561)

La Diana / Diana

Luis de León (1527?–1591)

De los nombres de Cristo / On the Names of Christ

Alemán (1547–1615)

Guzmán de Alfarache

Cervantes (1547–1616)

“El licenciado Vidriera” / “The Graduate Vidriera”

Espinel (1550–1624)

Marcos de Obregón

Lope de Vega (1562–1635)

El mejor alcalde, el rey / The Best Mayor—the King

Quevedo (1580–1645)

El buscón / The Swindler

Tirso de Molina (1583–1648)

Los cigarrales de Toledo / The Country Houses of Toledo

Calderón (1600–1681)

El purgatorio de San Patricio / Saint Patrick’s Purgatory

Cadalso (1741–1782)

Cartas marruecas / The Moroccan Letters

Jovellanos (1744–1811)

Espectáculos y diversiones públicas / Shows and Public Entertainments

Samaniego (1745–1801)

Fábulas / Fables

Bolívar (1783–1830)

“A los pueblos de Venezuela” / “To the People of Venezuela”

Duque de Rivas (1791–1865)

Don Álvaro

“Fernán Caballero” (1796–1877)

La gaviota / The Seagull

Heredia (1803–1839)

“Al retrato de mi madre” / “To My Mother’s Portrait”

Mesonero Romanos (1803–1882)

Escenas matritenses / Scenes in Madrid

Echeverría (1805–1851)

“El matadero” / “The Slaughterhouse”

Hartzenbusch (1806–1880)

Los amantes de Teruel / The Lovers of Teruel

Espronceda (1808–1842)

El estudiante de Salamanca / The Student of Salamanca

Sarmiento (1811–1888)

Recuerdos de provincia / Provincial Recollections

García Gutiérrez (1813–1884)

El trovador / The Troubadour

Gómez de Avellaneda (1814–1873)

SabGil y

Carrasco (1815–1846)

El Señor de Bembibre / The Lord of Bembibre

Lastarria (1817–1888)

“Rosa” Zorrilla (1817–1893)

“A buen juez, mejor testigo” / “For a Good Judge, a Witness Better Yet”

Mármol (1817–1871)


Tamayo y Baus (1829–1898)

Un drama nuevo / A New Dram

Blest Gana (1830–1920)

Martín Rivas

Alarcón (1833–1891)

“La mujer alta” / “The Tall Woman”

Altamirano (1834–1893)


Bécquer (1836–1870)

Leyendas / Legends

Castro (1837–1885)

En las orillas del Sar / On the Banks of the Sar

Pérez Galdós (1843–1920)

El amigo Manso / Our Friend Manso

López Portillo (1850–1923)

La parcela / The Plot of Land

Gutiérrez Nájera (1859–1895)

Cuentos frágiles / Fragile Tales

Unamuno (1864–1936)

Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho / Life of Don Quixote and Sancho

Gamboa (1864–1939)


Valle-Inclán (1866–1936)

Flor de santidad / Flower of Sanctity

Darío (1867–1916)

“Canto a la Argentina” / “Hymn to Argentina”

Blasco Ibáñez (1867–1928)

Cuentos valencianos / Valencian StoriesBaroja (1872–1956)

Camino de perfección / On the Way to Perfection

“Azorín” (1873–1967)

La voluntad / Willpower

Lugones (1874–1938)

La guerra gaucha / The Gaucho War

Quiroga (1878–1937)

“El hombre muerto” / “The Dead Man”

Jiménez (1881–1958)

Segunda antolojía poética / Second Poetic Anthology

D’Halmar (1882–1950)

“En provincia” / “In the Provinces”

Ortega y Gasset (1883–1955)

El Espectador / The Spectator

Mistral (1889–1957)

Desolación / Desolation

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    Parallel Text

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  • Book Publisher

    Dover Publications

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