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The Bien-dire E-Magazine Add-on is designed to perfectly complement your print subscription to Bien-dire, French audio magazine. All the articles and the accompanying audio is available on screen in a handy 'page-turner' format.
The Bien-dire E-Magazine Add-on is accessible from a dedicated website and is specifically designed to work on mobile platforms, including smartphones and tablets, as well as desktop computers. The audio can be played simultaneously with the article open on the screen.
We think you’ll find the E-Magazine Add-on to be the best way to maintain or improve your proficiency in French, but if it is not for you, for any reason at all, we'll refund the entire cost of your 'E-Magazine Add-on subscription' on a 'no questions asked' basis.
So, don’t delay, add the E-Magazine Add-on to your print subscription to Bien-dire orBien-dire Initial audio magazine for just $13 per subscription (or just $26 for both magazines) TODAY and we’ll rush you your access code so that you can log-in and get started. Your access code will give you the ability to log-in to the e-magazine version on your device at any time for the life of your subscription to the printed magazine, so don't delay subscribe today!*
*Your access code will be emailed to you shortly after purchase, once your print subscription to Bien-dire or Bien-dire Initial audio magazine has been verified.