Bitácora Nueva edición 2 - Edición híbrida - Libro del alumno

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Bitácora Nueva edición 2 - Edición híbrida - Libro del alumno

This is the updated version of the successful Bitácora course. Bitácora - Nueva edición combines the innovation of the previous edition with a clearer sequence of topics to create a manual which is both easy to use and yet thorough in terms of its approach to learning. The inclusion of additional sections within each unit will help students develop and consolidate their understanding of the content, grammar and vocabulary presented.

The student's book features the following new sections:

'Punto de partida' - This uses lexical mind maps and video clips as a means of introducing the topic that will be covered in each chapter.

'Dosier' - A double-page spread presenting a piece of text and its accompanying activities.

'Agenda de aprendizaje' - This appears after the 'Dosier' section in each unit. It includes links to additional exercises in the Workbook.

'Taller de uso' - This contains activities that will assess students' grasp of the topics covered in each unit.

'Archivo de léxico' - This includes exercises designed specifically to practise the vocabulary presented in each chapter.

'Proyectos' - This section concludes each unit and highlights the final tasks.

This hybrid edition of Bitácora Nueva edición 2 is the ideal option to combine the advantages of paper and digital technologies, both in face-to-face and hybrid (blended) and distance courses.

It consists of the printed student's book plus a 12-month access code to Campus Diffusion with which the student can access:

  • the Bitácora New Edition 2 digital book and notebook.
  • to all the resources of this manual (audios, videos, self-correcting exercises, etc.)
  • to all the communication, assignment, evaluation and other functionalities of the platform.
  • does not include Resource Bank.


Esta edición híbrida de Bitácora Nueva edición 2 es la opción ideal para compaginar las ventajas del papel y de las tecnologías digitales, tanto en cursos presenciales como híbridos (blended) y a distancia.

Consta del libro del alumno impreso más un código de acceso de 12 meses a Campus Difusión con el que el estudiante puede acceder:

  • al libro y al cuaderno digitales de Bitácora Nueva edición 2.
  • a todos los recursos propios de este manual (audios, vídeos, ejercicios autocorregibles, etc.)
  • a todas las funcionalidades de comunicación, asignación de tareas, evaluación y otras de la plataforma.
  • no incluye Banco de recursos.
  • Language


  • Level


  • Book Binding


  • Book Dimensions

    22 x 1 x 26.9 cm

  • Book Format


  • Book Genre


  • Book ISBN


  • Book Page Count


  • Book Publication Date

    27 mayo 2022

  • Book Publisher


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